Frequently Asked Questions
Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
What is check in /check out time?
Check out time:- 12 noonDo you allow smoking on property? In the rooms?
No, We don't allow smoking in all the roomsDo you have wireless internet access?
No, We don't have wireless internet access.Do you have intercom in rooms & how much it cost?
Yes, we have and it comes in the hotel facilities, we do not charge for it.Do you offer room service? What are the hours?
Yes, we offer morning 6:30A.M to 10:00P.M room service.How do I get to the hotel?
You can get to the hotel by following our hotel address given in contact pageDo you offer transportation services?
Yes, the hotel offers a car rental service.What are the hours of the restaurant?
Restaurant - 7:30A.M. to 9:30P.M.Do you have a business center?
No, We don't have a business centerDo you have onsite parking? How much is parking? Is it included in my room rate?
Yes, we have a onsite parking and we do not charge for it.Will your rooms allow rollaway beds? Is there a charge?
Yes. We provide rollaway beds and we do charge Rs.500/- extra for thatWhat is the minimum age requirement to check in to the room?
There is no age limit to check in to the roomWhat is your cancellation/deposit policy?
You can cancell reservation via telephone or e-mail atleast 15 days before booking date and you can deposit through bank accountIs my id/passport required at check in?
Yes. ID/Passport required to check in to the roomCan I check in with my debit card?
No, we don't have that facility right nowI have questions about my bill. Who do I call?
If yo will have any questions regarding your bill, you can call us at 0377626250What forms of payment are accepted to pay for my room?
Cash and bank account transfer.To which bank account of yours i can pay the booking amount?
You can pay at our bank account = Dhanshree Resort, Account Number = 11647510379, IFSC Code SBIN0009403, SBI, Kohora Branch, Assam